the klappduell [beta 1.6.2]
welcome to join good old duel of klapp! shut the box!
beat today's (Sun, 22.12) highscore: 50 by john lennon at 13:32 CET
alltime top10
# | Score | Won | UserName | Date [in CET] |
1 | -108 | 2 | sandy denny | 2024-12-19, 14:53 |
2 | -106 | 2 | sandy denny | 2024-10-15, 18:19 |
3 | -103 | 2 | poli | 2018-04-11, 21:21 |
4 | -103 | 2 | quoband | 2021-11-29, 21:44 |
5 | -98 | 2 | gutemine28 | 2018-04-10, 21:17 |
6 | -98 | 2 | sandy denny | 2024-10-05, 18:34 |
7 | -95 | 2 | gutemine28 | 2018-03-06, 19:01 |
8 | -92 | 2 | gutemine28 | 2018-03-06, 19:20 |
9 | -91 | 2 | sandy denny | 2024-12-19, 14:00 |
10 | -88 | 2 | quoband | 2021-12-21, 17:07 |
your current score:
- roll the dices
- get rid of all the fields
e.g.: dices say 6 and 4- means you have to close (klapp) fields for the value of 10
- you can either close: 10, or 2 + 8, or 4 + 6, or 1 + 2 + 7, and so on...
- each field can only be closed once!
- win the game when all fields are klapped down (winning score: 0)
- when there are no more possible moves but still open fields, you loose
- when you klapp a wrong field, you loose